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  • Evidence that where a large part of the population of Russia
    The data on where most Russians live was got from Russian national public opinion poll in June, 2009. 1.5 thousand respondents at the age from 18 years old from 7 Federal districts participated in the enquiry.

    * More than 60% of people lives in apartment buildings;

    * 20% of people live in detached houses, cottages, in a part of above mentioned or in "warm” dachas;

    * Municipal housing is primary for 10.5% of people;

    * 5.5% rents a flat, room, or a house.

    Russians possess:

    * 2-3 room flats (exceed 70% of people)

    * Single room flats (15.3%)

    * 4 and more than 4 room flats (not exceed 10%).

    The types of apartment buildings in Russia:

    * Buildings made out of bricks

    The technology of "clean brick” was always very popular as brick is a time-proved material and its characteristics are well-known. The buildings have been built only from bricks for a long time, such construction is a hard and long one. Up to this day buildings made out of bricks are considered the housing of enhanced comfort.

    Advantages: Lasting quality, heat resistance, installation convenience – resulting from consumer appeal of bricks.

    Disadvantages result from the construction year of the building and the type of the building itself.

    The types of bricks buildings:

    1. Old fund (pre-war and pre-revolution buildings), year built: the end of the 19th century- 1940;

    2. Neo-classical Stalin-era buildings ("Stalinka”), year built: the middle of 30-es – 1960;

    3. Khrushchev-era apartments ("Khrushchevka”), year built: 1956-1985;

    4. Special design buildings, year built: 70-es – present days.

    * Apartment buildings of bearing-wall construction

    This type of buildings is the most common in Russian cities. Exterior walls of apartment buildings of bearing-wall construction are concrete or haydite concrete slabs fronted with ceramic tiles. As a rule these buildings are of 5 - 16 floors, with room height 2.50 -3.20 m and kitchens from 6 sq.m. We divide them into "old apartment buildings of bearing-wall construction”, "new apartment buildings of bearing-wall construction” and solid-cast apartment buildings of bearing-wall construction.

    The types of apartment buildings of bearing-wall construction:

    1. Old apartment buildings of bearing-wall construction

    a. Khrushchev-era apartments ("Khrushchevka”);

    b. Brezhnev-era apartments ("Brezhnevka”);

    c. Bedsits ("Gostinka”);

    d. "Ships”

    2. New apartment buildings of bearing-wall construction

    3. Solid-cast apartment buildings of bearing-wall construction.

    * Solid-cast brick-built buildings.
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